attorney at law
Practice Areas
The following is a list of legal issues that I handle:
Record Clearance
Sealing Criminal Records per PC 851.91-92
Factual Innocence per PC 851.8
Expunge Records per PC 1203.4
Expunge Prison Felonies per PC 1203.41
Reduce Felony to Misdemeanor per PC 17(b)
Restore Gun Rights under PC 17(b)
Certificate of Rehabilitation
Vacate Criminal Conviction per PC 1473.7
DOJ Record Review / Correction
SB 731 Record Eligibility Review
Restraining Orders
Defending Restraining Orders
Petitioning for Restraining Orders
Entry into the CLETS system
Long Cause Hearings
Move-out Orders
Jurisdictional Challenges
Non-CLETS settlements
Asset Forfeiture
California Civil Forfeiture
Asset Seizure
Federal Asset Forfeiture
Judicial Forfeiture
Non-Judicial Asset Forfeiture
Administrative Asset Forfeiture
Postal (USPS) Asset Seisuze
Uniform Controlled Substances Act, Health & Safety Code Section 11000 HS et seq.
California Control of Profits of Organized Crime Act, Penal Code 186.1 PC et seq.
Contact me to find out about representation in your criminal restitution hearing
Residential and Commercial Leases
Settlement Agreements
Roommate Agreements
Non-Disclosure Agreements (NDAs)
Confidentiality Agreements
Partnership Agreements
Civil Litigation / Landlord Tenant
Contact me to find out about representation on your personal injury or landlord-tenant affirmative case.